vets have died off, WWII vets are almost gone. Korean vets are diminishing
rapidly, there are only two thirds of the Vietnam vets still around. Gulf war, Iraq and Afghanistan vets are
becoming ill from their tours. But it's mostly about the future generations
like the fourth grader that will grow up and fight in his or her war.
The due's and your membership give us the strength to fight for all veterans
present and future. We are the driving force for veterans medical, pensions and
compensation. Belonging to an elite force for Veterans is something you can be
proud of. I am.
As a member you are also entitle to a free $1000.00 Life insurance policy with Monumental Life Insurance Company. 300 Eagleview Blvd. Exton, Pa. 19341-1191 Group policy number VF100. Ask for form. This alone is worth $35.00 We hope you consider joining. Call Bob Farrell at 352-250-2052 he can take a CC number or you may mail a check to the post @ VFW post 5277. 855 W. Desoto Street, Clermont Fla. 34711
are proud to have you and thank you for serving our great nation.
James Nelson